I haven't blogged for awhile and there's a lot to catch up on:) The end of May Ty had another accident. He was mountain biking with his dad and he flipped up over the handle bars and landed very wrong. He broke his neck and tore a disk in the front of his neck. It was very scary but luckily everything will be ok!! He just has to wear this ugly neck brace for 3 months. So that's what the blue thing is around his neck! He can't do any physical activity whatsoever so it's been a mellow summer for us.
The 4th was so fun. Easton loved the fireworks! He was so entertained by them. We went to Thanksgiving Point to watch them this year with my family, Jenny and Lindsay and their husbands.
The Draper rodeo was so great this year too. If anyone went Friday night and watched the Bull riders you know what I'm talking about! I went with my mom and dad because Ty was out of town. The summer has been a little crazy for us!